The Charade is an experimental shory that will build over time, chapter by chapter. The main body of the story will be written by me but occasional parts will be added by other writers to challenge the story and change the way it would go if there was just one author.
If you would like to contribute please contact me on scrichmondauthor@hotmail.co.uk
I hope you will check back often to catch up on the growing tale.
Contributors : Carol Taylor - you can take a look at her blog by visiting https://niume.com/profile/42183#!/posts (copy & paste)
The Charade

Chapter One
He leant towards her and in one fluid movement flipped open a silver card case. For a moment she was stunned as the light played on the silver, it almost appeared to shimmer. She reached forward and plucked a card from the case faking a confidence that she didn’t feel. Once the card was in her hand he pulled the case away and slipped it back into his waistcoat pocket. “Will you contact me when you’re free.” He asked shyly.
“I will” She replied. This was not a situation she was used to, normally she would be working but as a favor to her boss she had attended this small party, she was feeling a little uncomfortable, everyone else here was more sophisticated and far more beautiful. Her boss had lent her a classy dress to attend the party and she did feel beautiful in it but knew she was out of her depth. She looked up at the young handsome man in front of her, he casually flicked a lock of hair away from his eyes and returned her gaze, she loved floppy hair. She glanced down at the card that was still in her hand, Mr. Carl Ward, he had handed her his card obviously believing that she was of his class and she didn’t have the nerve to refuse the card.
So the charade continued…..
Chapter Two
She returned to her room after the party and carefully took off her beautiful dress, her boss would want that back tomorrow, she gently hung it over a grubby chair in the corner of the room then threw herself on to the bed, she was smiling to herself, in her hand she still held the elegant calling card of Mr Carl Ward. A real gentleman had been interested enough in her to personally hand this to her. Her mind drifted back to how her life had started. She had started out as a child begging on the street, neither of her parents had wanted her and she had been taken in by the church. Her upbringing had started out stern and even cruel at times, the nuns were strict and they would beat her if she didn’t follow their instructions to the letter. At the age of seven she had run away from them, no one followed her or tried to find her, they didn’t care. All they knew was that she wasn’t their problem anymore. She had learnt a little of how to read and write which turned out to be blessing, that much she would thank them for.
Turning the card over between her fingers she felt the quality and the embossed letters slightly raised from the paper, she thought it was probably the prettiest thing she had ever been given without having to ask. She rolled over onto her back holding the card up, what would Mr Carl Ward be doing now? She hoped he would be thinking of her and hoping she would contact him, maybe in the same way she was now thinking of him. Although she doubted it, he was probably used to women and their ways and was just carrying on his evening somewhere away from the party and maybe he would have forgotten about her already. She felt a twinge of sadness but even that couldn’t take the smile from her face. For the first time in her young life she felt like a real woman.
Chapter Three
(written by C. Taylor find her at WordPress blog https://blondieaka.wordpress.com/ )
The girls eyes closed and she slept, she felt safe ,warm and loved she was being bounced up and down on her daddy’s knee… her mother was coming towards her ..arms outstretched to take her.
“ Its time for your nap little one”
Her mother swept her into her arms and turned.
“Give her to me bitch”
The girl was snatched from her mothers arms.
She woke, tears streaming down her cheeks.
It was always that same dream
“Why can’t I see his face? Who am I ? Where are my parents?
She curled up into a little ball and wept.
Meanwhile…..Carl Ward was lying on his bed…a cruel smile played across his lips.
This was going to be the easiest job he had done in a while…..
Chapter Four
She eventually calmed down, it always took her a while to recover from this dream, she never knew if it was a nightmare or a memory, but it always affected her in the same way. She would like to try to find her parents but she didn’t know anyone who would have known them or if she did they weren’t sharing any information with her. She hadn’t even been able to find out her given name.
She casually picked up the calling card and smiled, maybe she should forget trying to find out about her past and concentrate on her future, maybe a future with a gentleman. She knew she was leaping ahead too quickly but for the first time in a long time she was happy and she was determined to enjoy the feeling.
She left her room to go to see her boss, she needed to collect money from him that she had earned the previous evening. He never allowed her to keep tips he always wanted a share of them.
Carl waited patiently in the bookshop doorway, he was watching for her. He saw her emerge from a house that he knew was just rooms and not of a high quality either. She looked very different this morning, her clothes were old and tired, but she was wearing the most beautiful smile. Around her neck was a sparkling jewel the only thing about her that really sparkled.
He followed her …
Chapter Five
She walked along the street, she still couldn’t shake off the afterthoughts of the dream. The feeling of happiness the card had offered dissipated and she started to feel uncomfortable for no apparent reason, she picked up her stride and headed to her bosses house. She walked past a bakers and the smell of the newly baked bread almost drew her in, she promised herself she would go in on her way home and treat herself to something sweet with the money she was due, the display in the window held trays or oatcakes and a beautiful sponge cake, she silently wished she could afford to fritter her money on something that trivial. She turned right into a long row of houses, these were a much better class than the house she had to live in and here there was only one family to a house. Each house had a master, a life she hoped she would find out more about one day. Suddenly she stopped and turned around, she had the feeling that someone was watching her, but there was no one there, just regular people going about their shopping, nothing seemed out of place. She shook herself and kept walking.
The house she was going to was one of the grandest on the street and as she opened the gate the housekeeper Kathy opened the door to her. “Master’s not at home Miss, come in and have a hot drink with me.”
“Good morning Kathy, I’d like that.” With how hungry she was until the smells of fruit and spices enveloped her. Finally she relaxed, all thoughts of discomfort had gone, now she just had to wait for Mr James to return to the house, she silently hoped he didn’t rush back at least here she was warm and fed. She sat and talked with Kathy for at least an hour before Mr James got home and called her up to his drawing room.that they went into the house and settled themselves into the warm kitchen. Kathy put a plate of hot buttered teacakes in front of her and a cup of tea. She hadn’t realised
Chapter Six
The drawing room was warm, the fire must have been lit early in the day. Mr James stood before the fireplace looking less than pleased.
“Please sit.” He commanded. She did as she was instructed in the nearest seat she could see. She had no idea what had darkened his mood. “I hear you enjoyed yourself last night.” He paused. “Mr Ward seemed very taken with you. Did you go home with him?”
“No Sir.” Now she thought she understood. “I went straight home, alone.”
“Good, good.” He seemed relieved. “I don’t want anyone getting the wrong idea about my girls.” His look softened a little. He was a handsome man, some of her friends described him as a dandy, always well dressed and well groomed. She thought she would take a chance.
“Did you manage to find out anything about my family Mr James?” She waited hopefully whilst he paused and thought up an answer, she was convinced he knew something, just from the look that passed over his face. He distracted himself by putting is hand in his pocket and handing her a sovereign. She was stunned. “A sovereign!”
“You did well last night, you deserve it.”
She was pleased this was more than some people with a family to keep, made in a week. Much to Mr James pleasure it had worked and her mind was off trying to find her family. There was a knock at the door. “Goodbye.” He said. She left the room and returned to Kathy in the kitchen, giddy with the amount of money she had in her pocket, she could pay her rent and still treat herself to something nice, maybe a new piece of ribbon for her treasured necklace too.
Chapter Seven
He walked towards the door, he wanted to get there before his housekeeper did, this was private business.
“Come drawing room.in Carl.” He showed him into the
“So she works for you then?” There were no niceties offered up.
“And that is your business, because?” Mr James retorted.
“It is my business, trust me I need to talk to her… eventually. First I need that necklace that she is always wearing, where is she?” Carl stood his ground.
“She’s gone.”
“You’re lying, she was here a moment ago.”
“So where am I hiding her then?” He challenged. Robert James had no idea what this was all about but he wasn’t going to give his best girl up to the likes of Carl Ward. He had a reputation and Robert didn’t like him one bit. “So be straight with me Carl, what is she to you, why is she so important?”
Carl sat down heavily in an overstuffed armchair in front of the fire. “I don’t see that this is your business but you may be able to help me all the same. That jewel she wears, I need to have it back, it belonged to my mother but it disappeared a few months before she died. I don’t know how your girl got it or why but I am guessing she stole it, I want it back.”
“She’s not a thief and she’s worn that jewel for years, in fact I’ve never seen her without it, you must have it wrong Carl, why should I trust your story?”
“I’ve done some bad things in my life Robert but I need that jewel back it’s all there is of my mother now.” He stood up the defiance returning. “I will have it however I have to go about getting it. Give her this message.” He handed Robert a letter. “She will be pleased to hear from me, I think we got on rather well last night. Tell her nothing about the jewel.” Robert took the letter, he knew Carl as a chancer with a band of untrustworthy friends and knew better than to cross him, he would do as he was asked.
Chapter Eight
By Carol Taylor (to find Carol Click the link)
Mr James sat in his chair his thoughts troubled. What should he tell the child? He still thought of her as a child and was trying to protect her but she was an adult now and asking questions. Questions to which she deserved an answer, but answers which could put her in grave danger.
Kathy burst in the room.
Mr. James “That poor girl, you really must tell her about her past and her parents, before someone else does.”
“None of your business Kathy. I will, when I am ready and not before.”
Kathy looked at him. Gave a tut and flounced out of the room.
Meanwhile, Carl was pondering and wondering how best he could get a closer look at that necklace without raising the girl’s suspicions.
She was leaving the house and looked happy as she headed in the direction of the market. She stopped at the ribbon stall, the gaily coloured ribbons were lovely and she was picking them up putting them down it was so hard to choose a colour.
A hand reached in front of her and plucked a beautiful violet piece of ribbon with little flecks of silver in it from the bunch she held in her hand.
This one will be perfect. Is it for that necklace? Before she could say anything the ribbons were changed and the necklace was back around her neck.
The girl couldn’t believe Mr Ward was standing in front of her with a shy smile on his boyish face.
“You do like it ? Don’t you?
“Oh Yes? It’s beautiful. Thank you.
“Well pretty girl would you do me the honour of dining with me tonight?”
The girls face dropped, she had nothing nice to wear….she turned and fled.
Carl smiled….Mission accomplished, it was definitely the girl he was looking for now to gain her trust.
Chapter Nine
Carl needed that necklace, the stupid girl didn’t know it’s worth nor its history he couldn’t even comprehend how it had fallen into her hands. He didn’t even know why it had fallen to him to get from her all his boss had said was that it was his responsibility to get it back. He could see the look in her eyes when he spoke to her and he knew he could win her trust, she liked him.
He strolled through the market feeling very pleased with himself, he would see her again very soon.
She reached her room and caught her breath before she went inside, running away had left her breathless. Stupid, stupid girl she told herself, ‘I’ve missed my opportunity now.’ She wondered why she couldn’t be like other women and accept a gentleman’s advances, now she’d messed things up, maybe her best chance. She let herself into her room and flopped down onto the bed. “Oh if I had a mothers influence I’d be better at these things.” She said to nothing more than an empty room. She took the new piece of ribbon from her pocket and re threaded her necklace.
She looked at herself in the mirror, she was pretty enough she knew she needed to grow up she couldn’t rely on Mr James to keep taking care of her all of her life. He and Kathy his housemaid and cook and taken her in when they saw her begging on a London street, this room belonged to Mr James too. They had been so good to her and helped her earn some money of her own. She didn’t know what she would have done without them looking out for her. Suddenly she had a feeling of strength, she knew it was time she grew up and stood on her own two feet. If Carl Ward found her attractive then she should be able to make something of herself.
She left the room and went back out towards the market, she had money in her pocket and a new attitude, she would forget about her past and start building a future.
Chapter Ten
by Carol Taylor
It was getting late and the street lights had just come on. What had started out as an adventure to find a new dress was turning into a fruitless search.
They were either too much money or dresses that she wouldn’t wear they were tacky and cheap.
The euphoria she has felt earlier had all but gone ….Shoulders slumped she started to make her way back to her room..That lonely room..Where the nightmares always came.
Turning the corner she saw some twinkling lights come on and noticed a little shop..It lay back from the other shops which surrounded the markets stalls.
She drew closer and saw a delightful little Christmas scene in the window someone had decorated it so beautifully, everything twinkled and sparkled, she wondered who had been so artistic and clever, it caught her breathe, it was very lovely. The bell on the door tinkled and a little old man came out “Come in and look my dear”
“Oh, No thank you, I was just admiring your window it is beautiful but I am looking for a special dress”.
“My dear I may have just the dress for you” On an impulse and he had such a kindly face she stepped inside …It was just like a wonderland..
Staring round in amazement…. So many pretty things…why had she not seen this shop before.
Her eyes were drawn to a beautiful pale blue dress….
“I see you looking at the blue dress my dear ..my grandson made it..he is very talented… Try it on. It looks like a perfect fit for you”. Taking the dress and putting it behind some curtains the old man held door open.
Putting on the dress just felt right it moulded her body in all the right places, stepping outside to look in the mirror..she gasped was that really her. The young lady looking back at her was beautiful .
“Just a ribbon for your hair is all you need . Who is the lucky man?”
The girl twirled around and couldn’t believe her eyes..it was perfect and her necklace would be the finishing touch. Reaching into her bag she fastened the ribbon around her neck. Perfect.
“How much… Is the dress?’ She held her breath waiting for the old man to speak. Please, please let me have enough.
When he told her she gasped “Are you sure… That is so little for a wonderful dress”
“It looks like it was made for you my dear and the dress deserves a beautiful lady to show it off..My grandson would be so proud if he could see it on you”.
“Is he not here?”
“No, he is away on business buying more silk and satin”.
Paying for the dress the girl felt like a real lady for once, cinders would go to the ball.
She heard a gasp; the old man was looking at her necklace with a look on his face which the girl couldn’t fathom. “ Where did you get that necklace?”
“I have always had it… It’s all I have to remind me of my parents… Why are you looking at me like that?
The old man’s face took on a look of such sadness… “You have her eyes girl..Such beautiful eyes”
“You know my mother?”
“A long time ago my dear…”
Chapter Eleven
She was so shocked at this man’s words she staggered slightly and the old man pulled a chair from behind the counter for her to sit on. He watched her with concern. “Sit, sit.”
“But Sir how could you know my Mother, even I don’t remember her well?” She accepted a cup of some warm liquid from him.
“I didn’t know her well but still I thought she was a very special lady, maybe I like to think I knew her better than I really did, I don’t suppose she would remember me anyway. I fell in love a little when I first saw her, you are very much like her. Tell me what brings you into this kind of town?”
She could barely grasp what he was saying to her. Why wouldn’t she live round here? “I’m sorry Sir.”
“No please call me George, I’m no Sir.” He chuckled.
“George, please tell me about her.”
“There’s not much to tell, Elizabeth was a beautiful lady, I didn’t know she had a daughter though, I only thought she had the two boys, but you are so much like her and wearing that necklace then she must have had a girl too. You are so welcome in my shop.”
“Thank you but can you tell me more about her, please.” She held her breath he must know her he had called her Elizabeth.
“I don’t know anything else girl.” George was beginning to look uncomfortable, she followed his eyeline to the doorway but there was no one there. “I have to go now and start to close the shop, pop by and see me again won’t you?” With that he started to usher her towards the door.
She stood outside the shop only then realising that she was still wearing the beautiful dress and her old clothes were still inside the shop, she turned to go back inside but the door had already been closed to her. She would have to return tomorrow and collect her old clothes from George, she did love the new dress. She turned towards her room and as if from nowhere Carl appeared, looking at her in a totally different way than he had before. Since she had first met him at the party, he now seemed to be everywhere she turned, was he following her.
Chapter Twelve
Carl hurried towards her and swept her into his arms.
“You look lovely, so beautiful, that dress, is it one of George’s grandsons designs?”
She wriggled free, blushing “Yes” she stammered. She was about to tell Carl about her wonderful discovery but something stopped her. Something wasn’t right… Carl sounded strange, something was up. He always seemed to appear, no matter where she was, she was beginning to feel as if he was watching and waiting for her. It was beginning to make her feel uneasy.
“What time shall I pick you up tonight Cinders? He laughed at his own joke. The girl was no longer excited about going but knew she had to make the effort.
‘Is seven ok?”
Carl nodded and smiled “seven it is.”
The girl wandered home her thoughts all in a whirl… who was he? She also decided that she would visit the shop in the morning to collet her clothes and see if she could persuade George to tell her more,,, What was he afraid of?
The night passed in a whirl. Carl was very thoughtful and attentive, she had so many thoughts going round and around in her head that she really didn’t notice. Maybe she would find her parents. At last she felt there was some hope. Something she hadn’t felt before.
Carl had noticed a change in her, she was preoccupied and no longer hanging on to his every word. He also noticed the admiring glances she was getting from other men and he didn’t like it one bit.
Home at last she kicked of her shoes and slipped out of her dress. She hung it on a hook on the outside of the wardrobe door. She fell asleep dreaming about her dress and the young man who made it and also about what an adventure she had today and tomorrow she may find out a bit more about her mother. For the first time in a long time she slept like a baby, a small smile playing on her lips she dreamed about what she may find out and tonight those nightmares didn’t appear.
Day dawned and she was up and dressed in no time at all. She left the flat and almost skipped to the shop she was so happy. Rounding the corner she noticed that all the shutters were still down. As she drew closer she could see a bag propped against the door. It was her clothes. There was also a note from George telling her how beautiful she had looked in the dress and how like her mother she was but also mentioning that due to a family crisis the shop would be closed for a while. It was almost as if he was saying goodbye to her. She stood and burst into tears.
Out of sight across the road, stood Carl… watching.
Chapter Thirteen
She had been looking forward so much to talking to George and finding out more about her Mother, she hoped he was well. She looked around, the shop looked grubby and unkempt in the bright light of day. The previous evening it had looked so magical, she picked up the bag that was left for her and decided to go and visit Mr James, maybe he would know George, Mr James seemed to know just about everyone in town.
When she arrived at his house he was out too, she was beginning to feel that no one wanted to speak to her today, then she heard someone singing, a voice coming from the garden. She poked her head around the hedge and saw Kathy, she looked up from her gardening. “Come in girl.” She walked into the garden, her face must have given her mood away because Kathy asked. “Whatever’s the matter?”
“I met George last night and now he’s gone.” She finally gave in to her emotions and began to cry.“ He said he knew my Mom.” She continued to weep and Kathy approached her and hugged her tight.
“Now, now… dry your eyes and tell me about this George.”
She told Kathy about the shop and the dress and what George had said to her. Kathy listened carefully, especially to the news that Carl Ward had been sniffing around her again. “You want to stay away from that Mr Ward, he’s a bad ‘un, maybe he does like you but I wouldn’t trust him as far as I could spit.”
She looked up, not really understanding what Carl could be up to, she had nothing to offer but she too had certainly been getting an uneasy feeling about him. It was time to find out what he was up to. Next time she saw him she decided she would follow him and see where that led her. She felt better Mr James about George for her.in herself now she had a plan but she was still worried about George, he could have helped her and told her more about her Mother. Kathy fed her and cheered her up before sending her on her way, Kathy had promised to speak to
She returned to her room and took her old dress out of the bag and hung it up, as she did a piece of paper fluttered to the ground. She picked it up assuming it was the receipt for the dress, but on it was written 23 Coal Street, nothing else just an address. It looked like it had been written in a hurry, the writing was uneven and rushed. She placed it on her sideboard, maybe that was where George had gone today, whatever it was, it was none of her business. She would stop by his shop tomorrow and return it to him.
Chapter Fourteen
She walked into the poorest part of town, feeling completely overdressed in her new outfit, it was late afternoon and she thought that if 23, Coal Street was Georges address that they could go out for a drink. She hoped he could tell her more about her family, he obviously knew something of her history.
She walked along Coal Street and watched the numbers 17, 19, 21, then there it was number 23, her heart quickened, she hoped he wouldn’t be upset to see her here. She looked around her, the street was eerily quiet, she turned and tapped hesitantly on the door. She thought she heard some movement and then nothing, no one came to the door and now there was only silence. She hadn’t walked all of this way to just turn and go home again, she looked into the window, it was a little grimy so she rubbed her hand against the pane and peered in. It was a dark small room with an old painting on the wall opposite but there was no sign of anyone at home. “Oy!” Came a voice from behind her. “What do you think you’re doing? There’s nothing worth pinching there.” She turned and saw the voice had come from a burly man with a full bushy beard and a shirt open to his waist.
“I’m sorry, I was looking for George.”
“Well he’s in, I saw him not more than an hour ago. Maybe you should knock again rather than peering through peoples windows.” He tutted and walked away.
She did as he suggested and knocked again, still nothing. She started to worry, what if he was ill and couldn’t get to the door or something had happened to him, she had to get into the house. She followed the path that led to the back of the house, it went under a covered area by the side of a house and at the end of it was a tall gate which she knew would lead to the garden and outhouses. She pushed the gate and it swung open she turned right and counted three houses down, that was the back of George’s house, she hoped no one noticed her as she walked towards it.
She stood looking at the house from the back, then approached the window to take a look inside, this time she checked that no one was watching her, they weren’t. She put her eye to the glass and immediately ducked back down below the window level. It couldn’t be right could it? Carl was in the kitchen with George, he had been stood over the old man. What was Carl doing here? Their voices were too low, she couldn’t hear anything they were saying, she moved towards the door and quietly tried the handle, it was open. She slipped inside silently and found herself in a little hallway that obviously led into the kitchen, there was a larder to her left and the kitchen to her right. She didn’t move, from here she could catch snippets of the conversation and she heard her name mentioned more than once and the name of someone called William, she kept listening.
“You shouldn’t have said anything George, you always have to cause trouble don’t you.” Carl said.
“She has a right to know, what business is it of yours anyway?”
“William has told me to get that necklace, she has no idea what it is nor it’s value.”
“Leave her alone Carl, I won’t help you, she’s a nice girl. Just leave her alone.”
She heard a thump, and then a door banging. Someone had left the room. She didn’t know what to do next.
Chapter Fifteen
Sitting in the safety of her room she was angry at herself for running away, she had seen George as she ran past the window and she thought he had glimpsed her but she had kept running. She no longer knew what to think, she took her necklace off and looked at it carefully, but she didn’t know what it represented and she was beginning to think that the only way she was going to find out was to stand up to Carl. She was more than a little nervous about how to approach that as she had been warned about him, although she had no idea why. She was very aware that he knew something about her and she needed to know what that was. That meant she had to go and find him.
She took off her necklace and tucked it into a small bag that she slipped over her wrist, if it was causing this much excitement and it was worth something she thought it would be best not to wear it all of the time, until she could find someone to take a look at it for her, maybe Mr James would know someone. She stepped out of her flat and looked around she couldn’t see Carl but she was sure that he would turn up if she walked around the shops for a while, he had every other day. So she wandered towards Georges shop but it was still closed up. Then she changed direction and walked towards the bakers, she was still promising herself one of those indulgent cakes in the window, after all she had some money to spare in her pouch. Still there was no sign of Carl, just as she wanted to see him it seemed he had disappeared.
Being unsure what to do next she bought two cakes and went to see Kathy, she might have some idea of what she could do now.
Chapter Sixteen
She sat with Kathy for a while in the kitchen, they chatted as they ate the delicious cakes, she felt confident with Kathy they were beginning to become good friends and she thought it was time to share some of her thoughts about Carl with her. “I really liked him Kathy but now I’m not sure what to think.”
“Don’t have anything to do with him, he’s a slippery character is my advice.” Kathy seemed stern as she said it. “He’s after something for sure.”
“Yes I’m beginning to think it’s nothing more than my necklace. I don’t know what’s so special about it anyway. It’s got to be something to do with my family.” She said as she licked butter cream from her fingers. “Do you know anyone called William that’s connected to him?”
“I know a few William’s but not one that would lower themselves to work with him.”
“You really don’t like him do you?”
“No I don’t!” That was obviously the last she was saying on the matter.
They sat a while longer in the warmth of the kitchen chatting about cooking until a bell rang. “That’ll be Mr James wanting his tea, I’d best move myself.” Kathy smiled.
She finished her tea and put on her wrap to leave when Kathy shouted through. “Mr James wants a word with you before you go.” She walked through the house until she found Mr James in his armchair before the fire. He smiled up at her. “I have a job for you, you’ll be away for a few days, I’m sending you to York.”
“Oh okay, can’t anyone else do it?”
“No apparently not, you have been requested. You have clearly made an impression on someone.”
“I don’t know anyone in York.”
“A Mr Peasbody has requested that you help him to welcome guests to his party, he will pay you handsomely. He met you at a party here a few months ago.”
“Okay, and you think I should accept?”
“I do, I have left a small case in the hallway, you can use it to pack a few things you may need, he will send a carriage for you tomorrow afternoon.”
“Mr James, do you know a William connected to Carl?”
“I’m sure I don’t know child.” Those were the words that came out of his mouth but his eyes projected something different.
She knew she would get no more out of him, she turned to leave, feeling more than a little nervous.
Chapter 17
by Carol Taylor
Tossing and turning the girl could not sleep if she did it was that same recurring nightmare. Finally she arose went to the bathroom then the kitchen to make some warm milk maybe that would induce sleep she was so very tired.
Sitting in front of the dying embers of the fire she shivered and pulled her pretty blue shawl tighter around her shoulders. I need to sleep as I will have a busy few days I don’t want to let Mr. James down.
The girls mind started to wander as she tried to put together all the pieces to complete this puzzle.
When she left the shop that night in that beautiful dress she had felt that maybe her life would take a turn for the better and all her questions would be answered by George.
“Silly girl” she told herself life is not like that at least for you but why shouldn’t it be? Gathering her thoughts she tried to make some sense of recent events.
Mr James although very kind knew things he wasn ‘t telling her, she was sure of and why did he find these jobs for her it was as if he was making them up to give her a little money …Not much but enough to survive…Why? He denied all knowledge of this William was he one of her brothers?
Carl, who was he and why was he following her? She had a bad feeling about him especially after she had seen him at George’s it was obvious that George felt threatened by him. Why?
This Mr Pearson, the girl didn’t remember him at all was Mr. James trying to get her out of harm’s way? Was it just a ploy to get her away without arousing suspicion?
Finally the warm milk started to take effect the girl found her eyes closing She woke with a start; the sun was streaming through the gap in the curtains and made her squint.
I better start to pack or I will be late… The girl decided to pack her new dress in case she needed it inside the case she also found some new clothes and shoes. Someone had been shopping…
When I come back from this job I am going to ask Mr James I am not going to take no for an answer…I need to know who I am, I need to find out why I seem to be hidden…
This thought had slowly dawned on her she had never been allowed to apply for a regular job and her lodgings had been picked for her it seemed like she was being hidden in full sight if that made sense. From what or whom?
So many questions were going around in the girls head and she decided that she was also going to go to the library and look up the old newspapers see if she could find out anything about her disappearance…Were her parents not looking for her? Were they still alive…George had said she had brothers …
It seemed like she had been living in a fog or maybe her brain just didn’t want to accept what had happened but it was clearer now and many pieces dropped into place.
I will find out who I really am I am not going to be fobbed off any more.The girl then realised that it felt like a weight had been lifted she felt almost euphoric and hopeful that all would soon be revealed.
Meanwhile, Carl had also been going over the facts he needed that necklace time to get tough …
George was worried, he had been to the library that day and he knew what had happened and thought he knew why? Should he tell the girl? Would it put her in danger?He decided he was going to pay Elizabeth a visit and soon.
That girl, so sweet needed answers …Was he going to be the man to do it?
Chapter 18
The carriage picked her up as Mr James had said it would, she felt nervous but knew she couldn’t let Mr James down and once she met Mr Peasbody she hoped she would remember him and she would be able to relax. The journey to York took a long time and the journey wasn’t very comfortable but finally the carriage pulled up in front of a very grand building on a fairly quiet road she couldn’t see much of her surroundings as night had drawn in. The driver unloaded her case and pointed to the door. In that moment she felt small almost like an orphan standing before the large front door. She was shown in but a maid and taken to her room, Mr Peasbody wasn’t there but they were expecting her. She was exhausted after her journey, the bed called to her and she fell asleep almost instantly.
She awoke the next morning feeling refreshed, she was also confused not really understanding which way she should turn, she was in a strange house and didn’t know her host yet or what was expected of her. She grabbed her coat and slipped out of the room and out through the front door, she didn’t encounter anyone on her way through the house. Even at this early morning hour the city is alive with the pulse of a different beat to that resounding in her heart. She feels alienated in a strange place, alone and a little uncertain but yet a part of something far larger and far more expectant of her than she is of herself: expectant in ways both great and small. She walks along the unknown streets taking in everything around her, new sights and smells. Turning into a small street she saw a sign that read ‘Astrological Society’ and below it ‘Open’ and even at this early hour the door stood ajar. Whilst deliberating on the doorstep trying to decide if she should enter the building she hears the sound of footsteps come running up behind her. Turning quickly she is startled to see a small girl run past her and disappear in through the open door. She remains rooted on the spot surprised by the small girl’s sudden appearance and even quicker disappearance when suddenly there’s a scream from inside the building…
Chapter 19
by S C Richmond
For a moment she felt dumbstruck but as the adrenalin hit her system she made a dash for the door. Inside was dark and subdued, she looked around in the gloom but couldn’t see the girl, she couldn’t be far away, the scream was still fresh in her ears. She pushed a door to allow her into another room; it was bathed in dusty daylight. She heard sobbing, looking around she saw the girl huddled in a corner of the room. “Are you okay?” She almost whispered.
“Don’t come in.” The girl replied. Her eyes flitting around the room.
“Come here child don’t be afraid, I won’t hurt you.” She followed the girls eyeline and looked behind her, out of the shadow of the door stood a face she knew. “You… What have you done to this child!”
“Nothing yet.” Carl said calmly.
“Leave her alone! What are you doing here?”
“Looking for you, I missed you.” He smiled at her, but the smile didn’t reach his eyes.
She looked over at the girl. “Go, get out! He will not harm you, just go.” The girl looked wary but got to her feet and ran out of the open door. “What did you do to her?”
“Oh, nothing she’s just a stupid girl.” He looked down at her neckline. “Where’s your necklace?”
“Never mind that, why are you following me, what are you doing here?”
“I’m not following you, I’m in York for a party and I saw you come in here.”
“Then why did that girl look so terrified, she knew you and she was scared.”
“Oh forget her, why are you in here, this is not the place for a lady, let me escort you out.”
“No thank you I’ll find my own way.” With that said she turned and left the way she had come, not looking back. Still she felt his eyes on her. Her head was swirling with mixed emotions, she had no idea what to do now, but she had been right to think she shouldn’t trust Carl. Then she remembered George, she needed to know he was alright. She turned back towards the door the sign now gone and the door was closed to the street, she looked around but there was no sign of Carl. She shrugged, knowing that he would find her when he wanted to. She headed back to the house, she had lost her interest in looking around the streets of York, she needed some breakfast and to meet her host.
Chapter 20
By Carol Taylor
The girl was angry, angrier than she had been for a long time… Carl’s eyes had given him away she had seen the real him. Instead of being scared though she was angry it seemed like everyone she knew was keeping things from her or trying to get something from her…Why?
Lost in her thoughts she realised she was standing in front of the door where she was staying and a kind looking man was smiling at her.
“Did you have nice walk? The weather is lovely isn’t it? Come in, Come in you must be hungry.” She followed the man into the dining room where there was a lovely table set with a beautiful white cloth and some very pretty flowers. “Sit down my dear …I will ring Jenny to bring in breakfast…”
Within a few minutes a smiling girl appeared carrying a beautiful silver platter which she placed on the table the food smelled delicious and the girl realised how hungry she was.
The girl and the man ate their breakfast in a comfortable silence.
Hunger appeased the girl sat there sipping her tea and wondering who this man was. He seemed so calm and nice, his smile reached his eyes and she felt warm and safe.
Clearing his throat he started to talk. “You must be wondering why you are here and you most probably are also wondering who I am… Mr James is a dear friend of mine and I know he has been protecting you and trying to keep you safe. There is no party it was just a ruse to get you here but unfortunately that ruffian Carl has followed you but do not worry my dear I will have him dealt with. It is time that you were told who you really are but I have to warn you that with that comes great danger and also great responsibility.”
The girl was sitting open mouthed at last she would find out who she really was but at the man’s words she also became very scared. Her thoughts raced she felt very small and afraid, the man was looking at her with a concerned look. “Please do not be afraid. I will do everything in my power to protect you. You will stay here now, Mr James will be arriving in a few days and then we will both sit you down and answer all your questions… In the meantime maybe you would make an old man very happy if you would allow me to show you around we can do some shopping… I am sure that you are like all young people and love to shop. Now if you would like to go to your room and get changed I will have the carraige bought around for about 11 is that alright?”
The girl nodded her consent and skipped up the stairs…
She felt happier than she had for a while at last she would find out who she was…
Entering her room she gasped …her clothes were strewn about the floor what is …A hand went over her mouth and a cloth of some sweet smelling fragrance was clamped over her nose and mouth she started to fall.
Carl looked at the unconscious girl and smiled… It still didn’t reach his eyes…
Chapter 21
by S C Richmond
Carl stood in the darkened room, she was getting feisty, a month ago she wouldn’t have said boo to him and now she was standing her ground. He liked that, it was more of a challenge. He was looking forward to what she had to say to him when she came round. He hadn’t found the necklace in her room, he had looked but to no avail, this job wasn’t going to be as easy as he had initially thought. He watched her as she slept, the rhythm of her shallow breathing calmed him and he found her strangely attractive.
Meanwhile less than a mile away from Carl’s rented room, Mr Joseph Peasbody was pacing around his hallway, worried half to death about where the girl had disappeared to, he had promised Robert he would keep her safe and now he had lost her. He was confused she had seemed happy enough at breakfast, had he scared her with talk of revealing her parentage to her or was she annoyed that it had all been kept from her for so long. There was no point in sending a letter to Robert, he would be on his way to York by now. Joseph called for his butler, who appeared almost immediately holding out a glass of whiskey for him. “I thought you may need this, you look pale sir.”
“The girl… please go out and look for her, we need to get her back.”
“Where should I look?”
“I don’t know, keep an eye open for Carl too, I know you will remember him after our last encounter.” Joseph downed his whiskey on one swig and watched as John, the butler, retrieved his jacket from the cloakroom and headed for the front door with no hesitation. He knew the city well and knew some quite unsavory characters, the sort of people who would know how to find people.
Joseph could do nothing but wait for Robert, knowing that he was going to be far from pleased.
Carl watched out of the window, making sure than there was no one watching this place, he had been careful but now he’d taken the girl he was nervous, it had been an impulsive move and he was beginning to regret it already. To add insult to injury she had not been wearing the necklace and he couldn’t find it on her anywhere, although he had enjoyed looking for it. He needed to decide what to do with her now, he couldn’t take her back, he’d been lucky to gain access to the house last time. He scooped her sleeping body up in his arms, he needed to put her somewhere she would be found, he certainly couldn’t keep her here where he would be discovered too.
Chapter 22
by Carol Taylor
Carl was panicking where was he going to take the girl?
His mind was racing he knew he shouldn’t have taken her he only meant to knock her out so he could search her room undisturbed. He also knew that Joseph Peabody was not a man to cross…He was beginning to regret taking this job it has seemed like easy money now he faced either the wrath of Peabody or the man who had employed him.
A man whose name he didn’t even know but who looked very mean and a man you didn’t want to cross.
The girl stirred…
It was getting dark outside Carl decided to wait until it was quiet and leave the girl at the bus station…Plenty of people used the bus station the girl would not remember what had happened as he had drugged her well and truly… Reaching for another vial of the drug he injected the girl before she woke that would keep her quiet for a while…
How was he going to move her without arousing suspicion?
Time to go…Carl picked up the girl supporting her Carl moved slowly out into the back alley of the building …No one was around so if anyone saw him he would say she had had too much drink…Holding the girl tightly and keeping to the shadows Carl made his way to the bus station…
Miss, Miss are you alright …The girl opened her eyes and screamed she could vaguely see a kindly face before she passed out again… Call the boys in blue Fred…I think this young lady has been drugged she doesn’t smell of drink or anything or she may be ill…I don’t want anyone dying on my watch…Can you imagine the fuss and paperwork?
Quick man…Move!
Peabody received a call…A girl answering your description has been found unconscious at the bus station the voice on the end of the phone said …Send your man to get her quick before it arouses suspicion …
Chapter 23
Joseph went to the station himself to pick her up, his man was still out scouring the streets looking for her. She was indeed still unconscious. He scooped her up in his arms and carried her to his car and carefully, so as not to disturb her, took her back to his house.
Some time later she began to wake up, she opened her eyes to find herself in her room. It must have been a dream, she thought something had happened to her but she must be wrong, she was still in her room, but she felt cold and was shivering. She could hear voices outside her room but not what they were saying. She staggered as she climbed from the bed, feeling a little light headed. She knocked into the sideboard and a small vase tumbled to the floor and smashed. The door immediately opened and Joseph was beside her helping her back into bed. “You should stay there a while longer, you’ve had quite an ordeal” He smiled kindly at her.
“What happened?”
“Carl came looking for you, but you’re back now so just rest up .”
“What was Carl doing here, in your house? I saw him in town too. What does he want from me?” The events of the day were coming back to her gradually. “Why was outside sleeping?”
“It appears he drugged you and left you at the station to be found, I don’t know what he’s up to but you can be sure I will find out.” His face told her that he really meant it too. “Now sleep a liitle longer, we can talk when you’re rested.”
She let him go but knew there would be no more sleep for her today. If Carl had got into here once he may try again. In her mind she kept thinking about George and was concerned for his safety, yet she didn’t know why she felt that way. Her hand strayed to her throat, her necklace had gone, after a moments panic she realized that she had hidden it. Reaching below the mattress she felt round until finally feeling her finger come into contact with her precious jewel. She sighed and relaxed.
Joseph left the house and went into town, he needed to find out where Carl was and find out what was going on, although he already had a good idea. He wanted to sort this before Robert arrived.
Evening fell over York, she thought it was time she put in an appearance. Joseph had been so kind that she wanted to see him. She entered the drawing room and was faced with Joseph and Mr James, chatting in front of the fire. They both turned towards her as she entered the room.
“Hello, how are you feeling now?” Joseph asked. Mr James just smiled at her. She thought she had rarely seen him smile, it made him look quite handsome.
“Hello.” She said unsure of what was going on. “I feel fine, thank you.”
“Please join us, I think there are some things we should talk about.” Joseph ushered her towards the sofa. “I’m glad to see you’re wearing Elizabeth’s necklace too.”
There it was the mention of her Mother again. “Mr James, have you seen George?”
“Please call me Robert, No I haven’t found your George, you should tell me about him.”
“George… elderly, has a grandson who helps him in his shop?” Joseph chipped in.
“Yes, that’s him… you know him?”
“Yes, he was your Mother’s gardener. A lovely gentleman and a very good gardener, I hope he was a good shopkeeper too. How do you know him?”
“I met him in his shop, I think Carl might have tried to intimidate him, my Mom had a gardener?” She sat down suddenly realizing that maybe her Mom was more important than she had ever thought. All of this attention, no protection. Her head began to spin.